I just had a voice lesson with one of my students – and we had a profound conversation that is just too important not to share with you. This student was learning to trust her voice again, after years of not singing.

I asked her, “What inspires you to come to our session today / what would you like to receive?”

And she answered: “I want to renew my relationship with my voice.”

She shared that she used to feel open, free, and joyful in her singing voice as a child…

But that at one point she experienced a trauma that had her shut down her voice.

She hadn’t sung in years – and to be honest – wasn’t totally sure she could sing anymore.

But she knew that opening her throat chakra was the next key for her.

She knew voice sessions would not only help her singing and bring back her joy again, but also that it would empower her communication skills, creative expression, and spiritual practices, too.

So, she came to our session ready to receive, ready to dive in and explore. And what we did during our session together was profound…

We created a practice customized voice practice for her, based on her unique energetic alignment, physical body, and the style of singing she wanted to focus on.

She let me know after the session that she felt “surprised” that she could actually sing so well – and that she felt a newfound energy and vitality she hadn’t felt in a long time.

This is what is possible when we open the throat chakra, using these embodiment practices!

We let go of self-judgment, criticism and mental chatter through specific exercises.

We renew our relationship with the voice.

Your personal power around your voice is not lost

 It is your birthright and it is still within you! It just takes some ‘coaxing,’ ‘reclaiming’ and ‘renewing’ to fully let it open up!

That’s why it’s key to become embodied in our vocal expression, so that we can truly let our voices be free.

What I see over and over again in sessions with students are what I love to call ‘Vocal Breakthroughs.’ Often my students report feeling uplifted, re-inspired, energetically shifted, and opened up for connection after a vocal session.

This is because we are working with the energy body, physical body, emotional body and mental body all together – as a holistic approach to vocal awakening. 

Are you curious to renew your relationship with your voice, too?

I invite you to schedule a voice session with me and experience your own vocal breakthrough (in a safe space)!

Here’s the link to schedule: https://calendly.com/rush-br0/free-voice-consultation

In a session, I’ll guide you in discovering:

  • What your unique voice naturally ‘loves’ to do (how it likes to sing, the range it enjoys, etc). –
  • A warm up practice tailored to your individual needs and energetic alignment
  • A guided practice for finding deeper authenticity in your singing and self-expression.
  • Tools and tips for trusting your voice and building your confidence.

(This is first-come, first-serve, so go ahead and schedule while there are spots available 🙂 )

Sending you best wishes and a joyful “renewal” of your relationship with your voice!