Do you ever experience performance anxiety with singing or public speaking?

If you’re like most people I know – then you can probably relate to those pre-performance jitters.

It’s not always about making these feelings just go away, though.

It’s about working with them and using them to our advantage!

(Even stars like Beyonce talk about how being nervous before a show is a good thing…because it means it matters to you).

It takes training and practice to be able to perform at your best even with experiencing the nervousness.

Fortunately, there are some 🌟helpful tips🌟 you can use. 

Whether you’re a speaker, singer, or content creator, these 3 powerful steps will guide you towards authentic expression on any stage.

Step 1: Understand Performance Anxiety

We’ve all felt those butterflies before taking the stage…it’s natural!

But here’s a secret: excitement and anxiety share a similar physiological phenomenon. Learn to reframe your relationship to the energy you’re experiencing.

Step 2: Use Breath & Visualization Technique

Quality of breath = quality of mind = quality of voice.

Use a guided pranayama practice before a performance to get into optimal breath support.

 Step 3: Balance your Energy with Vocal-Root Chakra Activation

Find the balance between being calm, grounded, and yet energized in your stage presence.

Learn to practice Root chakra activation for your voice!

Bonus Tip: The Power of Tongue Placement

Use a quick “biohack” to create a relaxation response right before a performance.

Remember, the journey to overcoming performance anxiety is a transformative one.

Embrace it, and choose authenticity and love to guide you forward.

Your words, voice and message hold the power to create magic and healing in the world! I hope you are using it!